Friday, September 4, 2009

Chapter 10 Declaration of Independence

Human Declaration of Independence
And Articles of War

When in the course of HUMAN events, it becomes necessary to dissolve those parasitic bonds that may be hobbling our species and thwarting our good growth, as well, undermining our self-determination.
When in the pursuit of ruling our human institutions, from commerce to providing security against threats from other human nations, the needs of these should never outweigh the danger and threat posed by non-human species meddling in our daily affairs.
At the time of this declaration of independence from such foreign, NON-HUMAN parties, we find ample evidence that one or more intelligent parties of non-human nature have been engaging in warlike activities with us with the obvious purpose of orchestrating our eventual demise.
Our otherwise natural ability to detect such an outward threat has been hampered by those temporal, daily needs of commerce with, and defense against, of our fellow human beings. The cloud of obscurity preventing us from dealing with this more dangerous threat is being aided in its growth by the invader species and its human collaborator.
To that end we, as reasoning humans, concerned with the betterment of our kind, propose the following:
It is toward the extirpation of this invader we must turn the focus of our efforts first before resuming human commerce and intra-state strife and suspicion. It is through this unifying effort, perhaps, we as a species will come together through the commonality of a growing human brotherhood defending itself from outside interests.
Be it known:
Every human being is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, gained freely without the meddling from non-human parties. Human beings are sentient, reasoning creatures guided, for the most part, by an overriding sense of good, justice and fair play. Every human being, then, is entitled to universal good and benevolence from whatever divine creator as may exist, without the presence of an over-lording species playing intermediary between us and the universe at large. Therefore, every human being is entitled to exist in a free state, not as a subject of any other species. Every human being is entitled to defend itself from extermination or rule from a foreign invader. Every human being is entitled to bond with his fellow human beings for the purpose of providing a worldwide defense against non-human invaders. Human beings are naturally endowed with a right and duty, then, to make war on such invaders as they are encountered, not for the extermination of such species, per se, but for the continued, free survival of humankind.

Articles of War
1. We consider espionage, corruption of our institutions, abductions, and otherwise terrifying our human citizenry, and other sundry acts, amply recorded in our history, to be ACTS OF WAR perpetrated on our species by as yet unknown parties in this realm of existence.
2. We demand that the foreign invader show and identify itself to humanity at large NOW, in order to reduce the threat of escalating tensions and potential violence between our species.
3. Until such time as a DECLARATION OF INTENT from this foreign species is presented to the combined leaders of earth and broadcasted through human media, we reserve the right to use whatever means are at our disposal to root out the invader and return the acts of warfare to him/her/it, in kind. This WILL include acts of violence as we deem necessary until such time as a state of war no longer exists.
4. We reserve the right to prosecute parties within our human institutions who have sold out the interests of humankind for temporary benefit and personal gain. The prosecution of this end is at this time, specifically left vague and MAY include acts of violence, destruction of public and private property, as we deem necessary until such time as a state of war no longer exists.
5. We reserve the right to hold in contempt and in a state of TREASON AGAINST HUMANITY those parties – from corporations at large to government institutions, to the individuals - who continue to shield the invader from disclosure and identification. The prosecution of this end is at this time, specifically left vague and MAY include acts of violence, destruction of public and private property, as we deem necessary, until such time as a state of war no longer exists.
6. We reserve the right of LEGAL REDRESS for past transgressions against our species within HUMAN COURTS, post DECLARATION OF
INTENT and DISCLOSURE from the foreign species.
7. We reserve the right of LEGAL REDRESS for ACTS OF TREASON AGAINST HUMANITY to be tried and prosecuted in HUMAN COURTS against human citizens colluding with the non-human species, POST non-human invader’s DECLARATION OF INTENT AND DISCLOSURE.

Acts of War perpetrated against our species by the non-human invaders, past present, and future:
1. Unknown terrifying air or sea-craft invading our air space or borders. The definition specifically applies where cases of such craft tailing and challenging our military craft, charged with our defense, have been recorded. It extends also to the unsafe disruption of human transportation.
2. Espionage and eavesdropping, passive and active, on human institutions and individuals. The definition extends to passively monitoring communications, banking and market transactions in any means not commonly available to human citizenry.
3. Abductions on our earthly citizens for any reason.
4. The extraction of human cellular material for any reason.
5. Wild animal, cattle and livestock mutilations for any reason.
6. Fitting humans or other earthly creatures with tagging devices and eavesdropping equipment for any reason. The definition extends to similarly “tagging” human modes of transportation and communication toward such ends.
7. Unexplained loss of time experience by humans as a result of contact with the foreign species.
8. Property damage resulting from non-human invader activity.
9. Pain and suffering, physical and psychological, from unbidden contact with non-human species.
10. Radiation sickness as a result of foreign, non-human activities or contact.
11. The corruption of human institutions with non-human presence and agendas. The definition extends to invader involvement in government, and corporate interests, and the intentional hobbling of human infrastructure, specifically but not limited to our communications, our military, banking systems, the internet and email, or our religious institutions and all forms of human commerce.

Full Disclosure and Statement of Intent: We reserve the right as the sentient species of record on this planet, to be informed as to the following from the invader species. This accounting is not limited to:
1. The name, history, biology (genetic, synthetic, biomechanical, and natural) and the specific point of origin on the invader, non-human species. If the hidden species comes from earth, the precise location should be specified as to all cities and dwelling areas.
2. A full accounting of its past activities on earth.
3. A full accounting of its past influence, control, and contact with human beings.
4. A full accounting of past abduction activities of humans and other earthly species, including the intent and specific acts perpetrated during all of those abductions.
5. A full accounting of the invader species’ knowledge of the universe at large, including any contact with other universal civilizations and their activities.
6. A full accounting of technological achievements and advances known to the invader species.
7. A full accounting of population numbers and locations of the invader species on earth and throughout the universe.
8. A full accounting of the extent to which the invader has corrupted our human institutions for whatever reason.
9. A full accounting of any past, or present, so called human to non-human hybridization activities. The location of any results from such a cross breeding.
10. A full accounting of the invader’s past or present plans for continued contact with humans.
11. A full accounting of resources gathered on earth for whatever means, including but not limited to, the invader’s use of human and earthbound resources for transportation and technology.
12. A full accounting of the names of human beings who have been in collusion with the invader species and their past and present activities.
13. The invader species cosmological view on the universe, including belief systems and or contact with a universal creator or vastly superior entity.

We realize some of these measures may seem drastic to our fellow human beings. However, a continued pattern of abduction, unbidden visitation, obfuscation, deception and espionage impeding human activities by this foreign species constitutes a pattern of hostility consistent with warfare against us.
History at large teaches us that using the females of the conquered for breeding vessels, constitutes mass rape; a form of genetic poisoning akin to ethnic cleansing. Espionage is always the first step toward overt hostile acts. Controlling a conquered people’s usurped government is nothing more than orchestrating a coup. Abduction is kidnapping, animal and cattle mutilation, the destruction of property and livelihood. When were these acts ever classified as anything but warlike? Are they less hostile because a non-human invader commits them covertly? Certainly not. In fact the covert nature of these acts makes them more warlike, not less so.
If our governments will not protect us from these activities we must provide this service for ourselves. We must oppose, with force, all parties who prevent us from doing this. Toward our defense we must respond in kind against the invader and his human collaborator/informer.
Where we have been abducted, so too must they. Where our space has been violated, so too should theirs. Where our bodies have been used for ghastly, terrifying experiments, so too, should theirs. We must take back the means to do this from our own willfully negligent governments and their greedy contractors.
We must take back media resources that would have otherwise alerted the world of their presence were they not already in the hands/ mandibles/ claws or tentacles of the invaders.
We must destroy resources the invader would use against us. If we cannot do that we must resist by all other means, the efforts of these so-called aliens denying them collaborators, denying them our presence to rule us, when all else fails. There is no need to make war on China or even the jihadists, who also find themselves mere puppets in the scheme to destroy and, or subjugate all human kind through divide and rule. We must recognize, in the presence of our mutual invader, that this trend toward human-on-human violence, is what the last decade of war and suspicion has been about. We must likewise consider all forms of religion on earth, for the moment, to be suspect and perhaps even toxic, particularly when they have been used as a means of propagating war against humanity, when a more immediate threat has been at our throats all along.
We recognize the use of violence and destruction of property, be they perpetrated on the invader, or his human colluder, might seem deplorable. It underscores the grave situation in which we find ourselves. We do not make these assertions and commitments lightly. We see no other way presently. We are not fighting against social injustice which can be remedied through non-violence, nor are we fighting between nation states where diplomacy is always an alternative. We find ourselves facing an external enemy who hides in our midst, an enemy of unknown capabilities, biology and technological advances who means, either, to extinguish us or dominate, domesticate and subjugate us to a farm-like existence. Neither of these alternatives is remotely acceptable to our species and must be avoided with the full forces of our resistance and resolve. We obviously are considered chattel to them. We must resort to the worst we can muster before they will even show themselves to us: that means violent resistance and revolution. Until a more benevolent stance is at least demonstrated by this invader species, for our defense, it is imperative that we assume our right to exist has been questioned by them.
Until such time as full disclosure is forthcoming, these measures toward our defense are completely reasonable and necessary for our survival and freedom.
We recognize that our governments may hold some of these intents and acts to be detrimental to world order. In that the invader is entrenched within these institutions and are planning for our subjugation, so be it.
We recognize that our worldwide military systems, grown to protect the citizenry, may declare such acts and thoughts as dangerous to them. So be it, in that they have failed to protect us from a more dangerous, outward threat.
Further, those very same institutions within the military industrial complex have done murder, and damage to our human institutions, within the very borders of the nations they have been charged with protecting, in order to hide the presence of the outward enemy, and in exchange for technology designed to make war on fellow human beings, let their cry of treason against us, then, be heard and justified with an accounting of their own activities. Following which, let history decide where treason hides.
When the talons of our military industrial complex become so sharp and terrible as to rake and claw at the citizenry it pretends to protect, it no longer can be held in esteem as a thing of good and value for that citizenry. Further, when it conceals an enemy toward the ends of its own selfish, self-perpetuation, it classifies itself as in league with that enemy.
“ From time to time, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of both tyrants and patriots alike.” These are the words of Thomas Jefferson at the time of the American Declaration of Independence from England, and we find them perhaps even more valid today.
As the author of this first draft, I will affix my name and title. I will hopefully be joined by that growing ‘we’ mentioned in these paragraphs. It is my sincere hope that the motions I have proposed will be seconded in spirit and signed at least by a representative of every freedom-loving human being left on this planet.

Ryan Cogswell, human being, of Indian Harbor Beach, Florida.

July 2, 2011

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